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Staff Jobs

HFS Employees

A barista smiling talking to a customer at Husky Grind.

Welcome to HFS! This page provides information you will need as a new employee to be successful in your job. Additional information and training will be provided by your supervisor.

Getting paid

A schedule of University paydays can be found at the UW Integrated Service Center website.

Pay periods for staff



1st to the 15th

25th of the same month

16th to the end of the month

10th of the next month

Title IX notice

Title IX, Title VII, VAWA, Washington State law, and University of Washington policy collectively prohibit discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender expression, pregnant or parenting status, and LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) identity.

Anyone may contact the Office of the Title IX Coordinator about sex and gender discrimination, including sexual or gender-based harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, and other forms of sexual misconduct. Anyone who has experienced these behaviors has the right to make a complaint to the University, report to the police, to both, or not at all.

Please see the Title IX website to learn more about how to report or make a formal complaint of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, or other sexual misconduct. You will also find information about supportive measures and the grievance procedures that are utilized for complaints of sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct. Students and employees have access to support measures and resources, whether or not they choose to make a complaint.

Office of the Title IX Coordinator
Valery Richardson, Title IX Coordinator
Mags Aleks, Deputy Title IX Coordinator
4311 11th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98105


Our goal at HFS is to provide the best possible service for all of our customers. In addition to excellent service, we take pride in creating clean, safe and welcoming experiences for our students, staff and guests. As a new staff member, you will be better prepared to support these efforts by completing the following trainings.

1. New Employee Orientation—All new classified and professional employees will meet with an HFS representative to be welcomed and oriented to HFS and the UW.

2. Customer Service—Because we value our customers, all staff members must attend HFS Customer Service Training. This is an in-person training that is typically scheduled to occur at least once per month. You will be scheduled for a session during your new employee orientation. If not, please speak with your manager to be scheduled for an upcoming session.

3. Use of State Resources—To help ensure that you understand the unique restrictions of working with state resources, all staff members must attend HFS Use of State Resources Training. This is an in-person training that is typically scheduled to occur at least once per month. You will be scheduled for a session during your new employee orientation. If not, please speak with your manager to be scheduled for an upcoming session.

4. Workplace Conduct—The University has administrative policies that guide the appropriate conduct in the workplace. Because we value having a workplace in which all employees can do their best work, all staff members must attend HFS Workplace Conduct Training. This is an in-person training that is typically scheduled to occur at least once per month. You will be scheduled for a session during your new employee orientation. If not, please speak with your manager to be scheduled for an upcoming session. 

5. Safety of Minors—All UW employees are legally mandated reporters of suspected child abuse or neglect. Because this responsibility resides with each individual employee, you are strongly encouraged to review the UW's Policies and Laws Regarding Minors information and do online training.

6. Asbestos Awareness—All staff members must take the required online Asbestos Awareness training to learn how to recognize and report the possible presence of asbestos in the workplace.

7. Back Safety—We value the safety of our employees. All staff members who are required to lift 20 pounds as part of their job duties must complete the university's online Back Safety Training. This includes all UW Dining employees and some other units as well. If you are unsure if this applies to you, please confirm with your manager whether to complete this training.

8. Washington State Food Worker Card—The safety and quality of the food we serve is important to us. UW Dining employees are expected to obtain their Washington State Food Workers card immediately upon hire. Staff members must keep a copy of the card with them at work and submit the record to the UW Dining Administration Office (located in 109 Terry Hall) within the first two weeks of employment in order to continue working. UW Dining will reimburse classified staff for the cost of the card after you complete payroll paperwork if you have gotten the card within 30 days prior to your start date. You must renew your card while working for HFS. UW Dining will reimburse you for the cost of the card at that time.

9. Food Allergy Awareness Training -- All staff members who handle food must take Food Allergy Awareness Training.