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10 Tips for Living With Roommates

August 19, 2024 by Paige Stanley

Living with roommates is a rite of passage in college and a great way to make friends. But it's not always easy. Luckily for you, we have lots of tips to deal with roommate issues, from messy floors to loud snoring. Refer to the Housing Agreements for more info on expectations for roommates. 

1. Communication, Communication, Communication 

Is your roommate doing something that bothers you – leaving messes for you to clean up, inviting friends over without asking, keeping you up late, etc.? It is best to communicate your feelings rather than bottling them up. Avoid a blowout by tackling the problem early. Communication leads to problem solving! 

2. Set Boundaries Early 

Set expectations and boundaries early on in the year - even the first day! Decide what you will share, how chores will be divided, quiet hours, guest policy and more. Even better, put your expectations in writing so you can refer back to them if disputes arise. 

3. Respect Each Other’s Schedules 

No one likes to be kept up late when they have an 8:30 class the next morning. Share your schedules with one another each quarter and keep each other updated when you have exams or big projects. 

4. Do Your Part 

After you split up chores at the beginning of the year, keep up with these tasks you said you would do. One roommate should not be responsible for cleaning more than the other. Everyone has busy weeks, but it is important to not get into the habit of relying on your roommate to do all the work. No one wants the trash to pile up! 

5. Sharing is Caring 

Everyone comes from a different living situation. Some students have never had their own space, while others have never had to share anything before. While you do not have to share everything, sometimes sparing a hair tie or a coffee pod goes a long way! 

6. Use Your RA as a Resource 

Your RA is a great resource for help in resolving disputes. They can serve as a mediator between roommates to ensure productive conversations and positive changes.  

7. Embrace Compromise 

College is a great time to learn how to live with others, and with that comes compromise. Maybe you like to stay up late listening to music but your roommate likes to go to bed early. Embrace compromise by only staying up late on the weekends. Compromise is all about balance. 

8. Spend Time Out of the Room 

Everyone needs some alone time once in a while. Give each other space occasionally by spending time outside of your room. Check out a new cafĂ© on campus, get some exercise at Fitness Center West or create something at your local makerspace - there are so many great places to explore on campus! 

9. Be Mindful of Illness 

You will likely get sick at some point during the year. Germs spread easily and quickly in communal living situations, so make an effort to disinfect surfaces in your room and avoid contaminating your roommate’s belongings if you do get sick. 

10. Be Inclusive 

Maybe you and your roommate will become best friends or maybe you won't. It’s ok either way! However, don’t exclude each other from fun activities or events. Extending an invitation to someone will always brighten their day. 

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