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May 30, 2019 by HFS Staff
Do you have everything you need to move out of UW for the summer? Check off everything you have and we will let you know how prepared you are! Visit our website for more information on University of Washington's Housing and Food Services:
How prepped are you for move out?
Check off these tasks below to see how ready you are to move out for the summer!
Attend your final floor meeting
Talk to your roommate(s) about your move-out plan
Unloft your bed
Clean your bathroom
Vacuum bedroom
Gather boxes for storage
Pack your bedding
Fold and pack clothes
Take down any decorations or posters
Pack away desk decoration
Remove your command hooks if you feel comfortable doing so
Return your "borrowed" dishes to the dining hall
Use extra dining money by donating non-perishable items to the UW Food Pantry
Donate unwanted belongings to SCRAM
Schedule your move out inspection with your RA/CA
Complete move out inspection
Update your mailing address on MyUW
Return your keys
Sign up for direct deposit to get your security deposit back
Return room furniture to original configuration
Pay charges on housing account
Claim your bike