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Live on Campus

Apply for housingā€”Current Residents

Roommates in on-campus apartment

Rediscover your Husky Home!

Did you know that 3,300 HFS residents are 2nd-year students or more? Live with the Pack!

Still thinking about it?

Watch our video to hear from residents about why they decided to live on campus again.

First choice priority registration

As a returning resident, you receive Returning Resident priority, meaning you will get first-choice priority when it comes time to pick your room!

Choose a residence hall or apartment

If you are not already familiar with the room types and apartments we offer, you can explore all of our buildings online. Be sure to check out our virtual tours!

How to apply

Step 1: Update your student profile now on MyHFS

Step 2: Fill out the application beginning at 2 pm on April 2

Step 3: Complete your application by 11:59 pm on April 8 to get highest priority

Before you apply

Roommate selection

If you want to live with your current roommate or another current resident:

  • Request them by their student ID number on your application

  • Make sure that both of you have exactly the same preferences on your applications

If you want to live with a matriculated student who doesn't currently live on campus:

  • 9-month applicants and 12-month applicants can pull in matriculated students which includes, current students, incoming first year students, and incoming transfer students.
  • Request them by their student ID number on your application
  • Complete the 2025–26 Roommate Pull-in Request by noon on April 7
  • Tell your requested roommate to apply by 11:59 pm on April 8
  • Make sure that both of you have exactly the same preferences on your applications

Looking for a roommate?

Search for roommates using our Roommate Finder Message Board or the Queer-Positive Roommate Message Board.

Room Types and building usage

  • 2025–26 rates.
  • Rooms configured for students with disabilities affecting their mobility (commonly referred to as ADA rooms) will be reserved for students who need those accommodations; students who do not need them will not be able to return to those rooms.


  • Students may apply for a mixed-gender room and select a room with a member of a different gender, as long as the roommates request one another, and the room selected has a private bathroom.
  • Returning 9-month residents can pull in any matriculated UW student who doesn’t already live on campus. 
  • Returning 12-month residents can pull in any matriculated UW student who doesn’t already live on campus.
  • Students who cancel because they are joining a fraternity or participating in sorority recruitment must cancel their own housing applications. HFS will not cancel applications for returning residents joining Greek Life. Cancellation charges will apply.

Room selection process

We will be in contact with you on April 18 regarding your room selection time. Room selection will occur the week of April 22.

You have priority for your current room

  • We will assign you to your current room if you request it
  • You will have the option of choosing a different room during room selection
  • If you request and are assigned to your current room and have a mutual roommate request, we will try to assign you together.

Changes to your room selection

  • You may search and select a room as many times as you like during your selection period.
  • You can only change your own assignment, not the assignment of your mutually requested roommates.

If you're not finding a room

  • You'll only be given search results for areas that you and your roommate are eligible for and that you both have set as preferences

  • If your roommates aren’t eligible for the area you are trying to assign yourself to, you will not be given any search results
  • If a mutually requested roommate is a smoker, all other members must have selected smoker or no preference on the roommate smoker preference question on the application to get search results

Pair and group assignments

A pair or group is yourself and one or more other students who apply to return, or new applicants who have been pulled in by you or your mutually requested roommate.

You may assign yourself and one or more other people as long as:

  • The other person is not already assigned; and
  • All group members enter the correct student ID numbers of all other members on their applications; and
  • All group members are eligible to live in the area selected; and
  • All preferences match those selected by all other group members.

Roommate requests must be made using student numbers, not names. Be sure to have the student numbers of all students you want to be assigned with before you submit your application.

Applicants who apply with two or more can assign their entire group of mutually requested roommates. The first group member to select online may assign everyone to an available room, cluster or apartment; however, they will not be able to designate which room within a cluster or apartment is assigned to each person.

If, after being assigned by a group member, you wish to adjust your individual assignment within a cluster or apartment, you'll have the opportunity to make that change by completing an online request.

Room selection tips

  • To maximize your opportunity to assign yourself to your preferred room, plan to log in as soon as possible after your appointment time begins.

  • If you and one or more residents have requested one another as roommates, you may assign all members together if they are not already assigned. Or your requested roommate may assign you if you are not already assigned.

  • If your mutually requested roommate is not a current resident, you’ll have to assign them with you in your room, cluster or apartment. They will not be able to participate in room selection.

  • You may change your room as many times as you like during your room selection period.

  • If you do not select a room, HFS will assign you to one that matches your preferences as closely as possible.

  • For the best chance of assigning yourself to one of your preferred rooms, log in to the room selection website as soon as you can after your appointment time begins.

  • We cannot accommodate requests for earlier appointments based on schedule conflicts.

  • Have a backup plan. If there isn’t space available in your preferred building, room, or apartment type, what are your other choices?

Next steps

  • Assignment confirmations will be emailed after room selection ends. Please contact us if you have any questions.
  • Keep checking your UW email throughout the summer for more information about Move-in. HFS will also send you a final assignment confirmation in mid-August.

Cancellation charges

If you decide to cancel your application and assignment, cancellation charges will be based on the date you submit your notice

Questions? We're here to help!