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ACUHO-I James C. Grimm National Housing Training Institute 2024

Institute Overview

Overhead view of people walking through Red Square.

University of Washington is proud to serve as the host site for the Association of College and University Housing Officers-International (ACUHO-I) James C. Grimm National Housing Training Institute in 2024, 2025, and 2026.

Important Dates

June 18: NHTI participant/faculty orientation via Zoom, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. PST 

July 7: Faculty arrive 

July 8: Participants arrive 

July 11: Last day of Institute 

July 12: Faculty and participants depart 

As a reminder, the NHTI 2024 Event Platform is available via the ACUHO-I Desktop Event Platform and mobile app. 


Dress during NHTI is casual, and the Pacific Northwest is known for its casual style. This means you can wear shorts, T-shirts, jeans, tennis shoes, sandals, etc. Some faculty and participants may prefer to dress more formally for the closing banquet on the last night of the Institute. 

Free Time 

Your schedule during the Institute will be quite tight, so we recommend that you plan any sightseeing activities before or after the program. However, you will have the chance to explore Seattle on Wednesday evening. 

Seattle Weather 

Seattle is a great city to visit in July! The weather is usually sunny with temperatures in the low 70s. While there is a possibility of rain, the summers are generally beautiful and dry.  

Bedrooms in Oak Hall are not air conditioned; however, common spaces and hallways are. The Oak Denny room, where sessions are held, is also air conditioned, so we recommend bringing a sweater or cardigan to help you stay comfortable during the sessions.