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ACUHO-I James C. Grimm National Housing Training Institute 2024

Community Engagement Principles

Two people sitting in green chairs on Terry Hall rooftop deck in front of sunset.

The NHTI Community Engagement Principles are courtesy of the Association of College and University Housing Officers – International (ACUHO-I). 

Community of Learners

NHTI brings together a strong community of housing professionals dedicated to learning and developing professionally. By participating in NHTI you are joining a community of learners committed to reflecting on their professional experiences, focused on their continual professional development, and energized by their commitment to the field. As part of this community, all are expected to contribute to the professional, open, and dynamic environment that creates the NHTI experience. NHTI is an incredible learning opportunity enriched by the diverse professionals who participate. All members of the NHTI learning community should demonstrate respect for each person’s worth, dignity, and capacity to contribute to this learning community. We ask that all participants be open to and actively contribute to the learning community throughout NHTI. 


Participants and faculty of NHTI are selected with the understanding that they will strive to devote their full time and attention to the institute. Your attendance at all sessions and activities is essential in order for the institute to make a maximum contribution to your learning and experience. 

Being Present

You will experience long days during NHTI, and we know that the work on your campuses does not stop, but we ask that while you are participating in NHTI that you do your best to fully engage in the content and activities. We encourage that you have conversations with the staff on your home campus to be mindful of and to be understanding of your limited availability during the institute so that you can be focused on this professional development experience. We acknowledge that it can be difficult to fully detach from your campus and to disengage from the demands of your day-to-day responsibilities, but we ask that you be mindful of doing your best to stay present and focused on NHTI during this time. Please try to refrain from email correspondence, text messaging, social media, and other non-Institute activities that may pull you away during NHTI sessions and activities. We encourage you to take breaks when needed, and if you need to step out to manage something on your home campus, please do so. 


NHTI is designed to promote professional development and personal reflection. To achieve these important objectives, institute participants and faculty will be encouraged to take intellectual risks and to reflect openly about personal and professional challenges. It is expected that you will respect the confidentiality of all members of the learning community, their home institutions or organizations, and any sensitive information that people may share throughout the institute.