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Housing & Food Services

Early Autumn Quarter Housing

About Early Autumn Quarter Housing

Early Autumn Quarter Housing (EAQH) is available for students participating in College Edge or other approved academic programs occurring during the summer break period. College Edge is an elective program that runs from Aug. 25–Sept. 16, 2025. It is designed to give first-year students an early start to the academic year. Students take one intensive four-week course before the beginning of the 2025–26 academic year and earn five credits.

EAQH move-in day is on Aug. 22. Your move-in appointment time will be sent along with your room assignment information. If you can’t move in during your assigned time or would like to change your appointment, please email; you may also move in during front desk hours. Check-in details are emailed in mid-July. 

Eligibility for campus housing

Any student registered for College Edge or another approved academic program is eligible to live on campus during EAQH. You are eligible for EAQH even if you are not planning to live in on-campus housing during the 2025-26 academic year.

Before you apply 

How to apply

  1. Complete Your HFS Student Profile on your MyHFS Homepage.

  2. Return to your MyHFS Homepage and complete the EAQH housing application.

You will also need to:

  • Agree to the application terms
  • Electronically sign the Early Fall Start Housing Agreement
  • Electronically sign the HFS Public Health Agreement
  • If you are younger than 18, have your parent/guardian electronically sign a Cosigner Agreement

Application cancellation

If you want to cancel your housing application before you move in, you must do so on your MyHFS Homepage. Details about how to cancel and what charges may apply are available on the Application Cancellation and Deferment page.

Housing assignments

Assignments are made based on autumn quarter priority or, for those who haven’t applied for autumn quarter, based on application date.

Students will be assigned  based on priority to any available room, regardless of rate, including, but not limited to, a triple room, apartment or temporary housing space, as well as by assignment preferences expressed by the student including, but not limited to, building, room type, Living Learning Community and roommate preferences.

If you aren't assigned a room for autumn quarter, you will need to move out after Early Autumn Quarter.

Housing options

Building Room type Bathroom Number of residents
Lander Triple Private 3
Double Private 2
Willow Hall Four-Person Suite Private 4
Three-Person Suite Private 3
Triple Private 3
Double Private 2


Assignment Guidelines

If you apply for You need to know that
Residence hall housing for the academic year in addition to EAQH 
  • You will be assigned to the same room for both EAQH and the academic year. 
  • We are unable to accommodate requests for elective room changes or mutual swaps between EAQH and the academic year. 
  • You may remain in your room during the break between EAQH classes ending and autumn quarter classes starting. 
Residence hall housing for the academic year in addition to EAQH and request a Living Learning Community (LLC)  
  • You will be assigned to a room in Lander Hall or Willow Hall for the EAQH period and if space in the LLC is open for autumn, you will be assigned to it. 
  • You must move to your academic year room by noon on Sept. 6. 
Housing for EAQH only or do not have an assignment for the beginning of the academic year 
  • You will be assigned to a room in Lander Hall or Willow Hall, only for the EAQH period. 

  • You must vacate by 6 pm on Sept. 12, 2025. 

Roommate requests

HFS only accepts roommate requests for the academic year. We are not able to accommodate requests for the EAQH period. Here is the roommate assignment process:

Request Policy
My preferred roommate and I will be living on campus for EAQH only. HFS cannot accommodate roommate requests for EAQH.
My preferred roommate and I will be living on campus for both EAQH and the academic year. HFS will attempt to assign you and your requested roommate together in the same room for both periods.
I will live on campus for both EAQH and the academic year, but my preferred roommate will only be on campus for the academic year.

HFS will attempt to assign you in the same room for both periods, and to assign your requested roommate with you for the academic year.

Single-gender rooms

Most shared rooms within the residence halls are assigned to two or more students of the same gender. If you don't specify your preference for a different type of assignment, you can expect to be in a room with another person or people whose gender is the same as yours according to their record with the UW.

Gender-inclusive rooms

It is important to us that all University housing options are welcoming for all students. The gender-inclusive room option is intended to provide a welcoming and supportive environment for residents across the spectrum of gender identity, gender expression, biological sex, and sexual identity, and allied members of the community.

Mixed-gender rooms

Mixed-gender rooms and apartments are open to all students, regardless of your gender. You can specify on your application that you want to live with a person of a different gender and put that person's student number in your application as your mutual roommate request.

Dining on campus 

The dining account allotment for EAQH residents is $560. The entire allotment will be available when you move in. This allotment allows you about $15 per day to spend on dining. You may use your dining account at any campus location. For more information on dining locations including restaurants, cafés, food trucks and markets, see our Dining Locations page

Dining account funds will remain available for you to use through June 13, 2026. At that point, any unused balance will be forfeited. Dining funds are nonrefundable and cannot be transferred to your Husky Card Account.

To ensure that your dining funds last throughout your stay with us, and to avoid forfeiting excess funds, we recommend you monitor your spending habits and adjust if necessary.


Move-in day is Aug. 22, 2025. Your move-in appointment time will be sent with your room assignment information. You'll be able to change your appointment time if you can’t move in during your assigned time. Details will be available in mid-July

Before you arrive

Here are a few helpful things to do before you arrive on campus:

There is a lot to discover about living on campus, and you probably have questions that haven’t been answered here. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, call us at 206-543-4059 or email us and we’ll be happy to help!

Shipping items ahead of time

Packages can be sent to your residence hall up to seven days prior to your scheduled move in. These items will not be returned to the sender.

You will receive a notification in your UW email from HFS Desk Services when your package is received. Upon move in, any packages that were not previously delivered to your room will be available for pick up at your regional desk.

Arriving on campus

Private Vehicle

  • Drive to your check-in area using the directions below

  • If arriving on Aug. 22 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., you will be greeted by a staff member

  • Once you unload, if you wish to stay on campus you must move your vehicle to the available on-campus self-serve parking lots.

 Lander Hall

Drive to the W08 parking garage, located underneath Lander Hall, for check in.  You can also use these Google Maps directions to get to Lander Hall; the entrance to the W08 garage is located on the backside of the building on Lincoln Way.


  1. Take exit 169.

  2. Take the NE 45th Street exit and proceed east on NE 45th Street toward the University of Washington. Move to the right lane as soon as possible and turn right onto Roosevelt Way NE. 

  3. Move to the left lane. After a few blocks (just prior to crossing the University Bridge), turn left at the stoplight for NE Campus Parkway. Please note that turning left on red at this stoplight is legal. 

  4. Go straight on NE Campus Parkway and take the first right at Brooklyn Avenue NE. Continue one block and turn right onto Lincoln Way NE. 

  5. Turn right into the W08 parking lot. 

 Willow Hall

Come directly to Willow Hall for check-in. Use the directions below or Google Maps directions to find the building. 


  1. Take exit 169.

  2. Take the NE 45th Street exit and proceed east on NE 45th Street toward the University of Washington.

  3. Continue on NE 45th Street until you reach Memorial Way Northeast. 

  4. Turn right onto Memorial Way NE.

  5. Turn left onto E Stevens Way NE.

  6. Continue straight on E Stevens Way NE until you reach Little Canoe Channel NE.

  7. Turn right onto Little Canoe Channel NE, then proceed straight.

Sea-Tac Airport

If you are coming to campus directly from Seattle-Tacoma Airport, there are several transportation options. Please visit Sea-Tac Airport’s ground transportation page to decide the best way for you to travel. 

When you check-in

  1. You will be asked to present your Husky Card at check-in. You may check in by showing another form of photo ID. Friends and family cannot check-in on your behalf.
  2. You will be given your room and mailbox keys
  3. Once you have received your keys, you may begin moving into your room.

Husky Card: Your Husky Card is your key card for access to your building. If you arrive without your Husky Card, you will receive a temporary building access card.

If you didn’t receive your card before Move in, you will need to obtain one from the Husky Card Account & ID Center(Husky Card Office), located on the ground floor of Odegaard Undergraduate Library.

Keys: You will be given room and mailbox keys (West Campus only) when you check in.

Red Emergency Backpack: New residents are provided with a red emergency backpack when they first check into their residential community. This comprehensive kit includes water, food rations and other emergency supplies. The contents will remain viable for several years. Please keep your emergency kit for as long as you live with us.

EAQH and dining payments

Housing payments should always be made directly to HFS, never to the tuition account.

Payment due date

  • If you're moving off campus after EAQH: Sept. 1, 2025
  • If you will live on campus for autumn quarter: Oct. 10, 2025
    (with autumn quarter housing and dining charges)

Information about billing and payments can be found on our Financial Information for Residents page.

EAQH move-out process

If you are… You can…
Continuing in the same room for the academic year Remain in your room throughout the gap between EAHQ and autumn quarter
Moving to a different room for the academic year Complete your room change between 8 am and noon on Saturday, Sept. 6
Moving out at the end of EAQH Check out by 6 pm on Friday, Sept. 12


Move-out steps

  • Follow checkout procedures.
  • If you have questions or concerns during your checkout, please contact your building's Community Manager.

Other important information

  • You can check-out vacuums through your community vacuum check-out schedule. Check with your RA.
  • Carts will not be provided by HFS for move-out. Please clean your room. If you are not able to vacuum, there will be no cleaning charges applied for not vacuuming, but other cleaning charges and damage charges will still apply.